Monday, June 29, 2009


You know, I've come to realize, that unnecessary is simply a part of life in general. However, it is not required to be part of any one individual's life. What do I mean? Well, for instance, let's say you have a friend or group of friends that you seem to bend your back for constantly. However, the moment your car breaks down, or you go somewhere, or you say, "No", they reveal themselves for the energysuckers they really are.

Or, let's say you have uber low self-esteem. You throw yourself into 'relations' that you interpret in your head as being 'relationships' but when asked why you insist on continuing a habit you know isn't doing you any good, you have no answer.

Both of these are examples of unnecessary things. Whether it be people, relationships, insecurities, clothes, drugs, alcohol. Many of us have things in our life that we simply don't need. They serve as fillers for the things we really want to have. The things we really should have. The necessary stuff. Because, gaps scare us. We constantly interpret gaps as 'emptiness' or areas where bad things can settle in. But, are they really? As my mom would say, they're more like 'areas of opportunity'.

I have a friend *cough* Tommy *cough* who takes advantage of his areas of opportunity. He takes a very simplistic approach to life, and is happy because of that. He has fun, sticks to his goals, and has great, real friends that have his back. Does that mean he was born with his head on straight? No. Does that mean he doesn't have problems or never frowns? No (although I can't remember him being sad about anything lol). My point, is, he focuses on HIS necessary. Something I think we all want to do, but go about the wrong way sometimes.

Perhaps that's due to the fact that, we tend to get caught up with "life in general" instead of OUR lives. we try to incorporate everything we desire, envy, cherish, and loathe, thinking that without those things our lives will stop. But I can say from my personal experiences that I have many gaps. But I've utilized this mentality, and I have a group of friends that won't ever go anywhere. I know what my passion in life is. And I know who I am. Unnecessary objects will come and go. And aren't meant to stay in our lives. What your life is filled with comes down to one thing: What do YOU allow in? This is the thin line between necessary and unnecessary. The line that we all are standing on.

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