Thursday, July 16, 2009


You know what really grinds my gears? People who say "you know what really grinds my gears?"

Anyway, last night I was talking to one of my close friends. He, who I will call "Michael" (not his real name), explained to me that he's talking to my other friend, who I will call "Jane" (not her real name), and that he's been receiving mixed opinions from his friends. *GASP* Naturally that's to be expected. However, to date, all said problems are coming from other females that have their own issues with Jane.

What I find interesting is how quickly people let their own personal grudges determine what they do or say. Namely, those who are telling Michael he should "be careful" or that Jane "doesn't stay in a relationship for long" are all talking from their own personal feelings, and not from any vantage point at all. In fact, most of these girls haven't seen or talked to Jane in over a year! So what does that say? You've been harboring feelings against one girl, for the last 365+ days for what reason? And now you're going to feed Michael, you're supposed friend, a bunch of negativity because of that? Get over yourselves.

As I told Michael, if they are really his friends, they'll still be there for him even if he decides to go out with Jane. Though they may not like it, as his friends, those girls should still respect his decision. If they choose to start nonsense or act shady over it, then I know where he can find an awesome pair of golden scissors that I use when it's time to cut people off.

1 comment:

  1. I think your advice to Michael is write on. The people that mind don't matter and the people that matter don't mind. We need to remember to make our own decisions as we progress in life, because that is what will truly allow us to remain happy. Thanks for the insight. Great blog.

    Max Gibson


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