Ok, lots to talk about. Ok, not really, well, not sure yet. We'll see lol.
FIRST OFF. Scroll down this page. Where it shows my picture, and says "View my complete profile" click that link. Now. Another page will pop up. Showing my OTHER blogs. It's ok, there's only one. It's called "Filling An Awkward Silence...Or Creating One." Click it. If you haven't checked it yet, do so. If you have been on the regular, and aren't a follower yet, become one. If you aren't a follower on this blog, become one as well. The tab is on the right panel as well. But back to "Awkward Silence." I have a new poem up, called "Metaphor". Check it. Love it. And follow. Also, do me the favor, and check out the blogs I follow. That includes "ADD Blogged Out", "Phoenix Rising", and Jesus C'mon and Grab the Wheel. If you're going to be online, become followers of their blogs as well, and learn some stuff while getting some good laughs. That way you can tell people your brain's deterioration to mush by digital destimulation is actually being slowed because of us. LOL
Anyway, I told my mom I wanted to pursue writing. And I got the biggest subtle shutdown in history. Here's my opinion. I have a talent. I wake up every morning, and I feel like doing it. I grab a pen and paper, and that's what I do. I can lock myself in my room for hours, and write. Nonstop. I can do it anywhere. I NEVER get tired of it. If that's not an indication that this is my calling, then, I don't know what is. I want to write songs. Poetry. Blogs. Journals. Articles. Speeches. Novels. Eventually Scripts. SO if you know anyone who is willing to help a brother realize his dream, or if you have any advice, PLEASE let me know. Seriously. Cause this list of people I have to prove wrong is getting LONGER AND LONGER lol.
Ok, now I remember what I originally wanted to talk about. The arts. Why on earth are they considered not a real profession, when this world is designed entirely out of art? Why are so many artists bound to the title "starving artist?" And why are people always assuming that's what a person who pursues the arts, be it music, writing, dancing, acting, etc, that you'll end up a "starving artist?" Is it starving doing what I love to do? I'm just saying.
Also, here's my theory on the whole art thing. The reason why the art community is not respected as it should be is because unlike every other field, it's made up of a bunch of individualists. We take pride in being an individual, and in fact, that's what our crafts thrive off of. However, it's also what defeats us. Because artists generally do whatever the hell they want to, they don't band together. But think about it? What if we did? We'd be like abstracts possessed. I mean come on. Artists will always be needed. Cities need building, buildings need building, newspapers need stories, advertisements need pictures, singers need dancers, producers need singers, etc, etc, etc. Perhaps if we agreed to conform to each other for once, we'd be the force to reckon with that all our metaphors and imagery proclaim us to be.
The arts are just as real of a profession as any other. In fact, maybe even more so. Think about it. Alright, that's all for this one.
ahhh, i like this one. Maybe because i am an artist. :). Nonetheless, i think people who live outside of our box are constantly shitting on us because we think more elaboratly. lol nah honestly i dont know. i refuse to call myself a straving artist tho. Solely because im already doing what i love, and people respect me for it...those who know of me that is.