Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ten. The Clarke Special

So I've given up keeping count of the days. I'm not being consistent enough to even attempt that. Tonight's blog was specially requested by an old friend of mine, who's name *cough* SHARINA *cough* i will not say. anyway, today's discussion, well monologue, is about me. lol j/p, oh wait, SIDEBAR:
"Cause it's not about me, it's all of you guys"

lol it's an actual website, and it allows artists of all kinds to showcase their work. so if you're an artist, check it out.

back to the main topic.


Young love...this is referring to ages 17-24....what is it about us that during this time we want EVERYTHING. Every single aspect of every kind of relationship out there. Ok, there's basically two. You have the fuck buddy system. And the ride or die club. Before age 17, most kids want fuck buddy. They're fast asses don't even know where rod A is supposed to go, and could very well end up sticking it in Slot C instead of B cause they can't read the fine print, but they still wanna get down. With everyone. It doesn't matter if girl went out with their best friend last week, or if dude just gave two of ya girls the business....they wanna get er dun.

Then you have what exists after the age of 24. They lookin for LOVE. No fuck buddy. No, let's mess around. No. They'll do it, but they eventually want love. So put on this front that goes like this:

"I'm 25 and so I've suddenly gained years of maturity and understand that life isn't about eating every pie within a 50 mile radius." or "I'm 25 and so I've suddenly gained years of maturity and understand that life isn't about seeing how many inches i can fit in a confined space during an hour timespan."

Ok, that was extremely not cool. That's the point. Then you have us. The one's who want the relationship, but can't stay faithful. The ones who get caught up in puppy love, and as soon as things go bad, they either:

A. give up as soon as they see a dark cloud on the horizon
B. pretend they don't see the clouds and just hope they'll pass.

Sophomoric stupidity anyone?

How is it, that we can possibly desire commitment and yet we can't handle all the tough stuff that it entails? what is it about us wanting "no strings" while we're sewing one another up to those very strings? We get so wrapped up in our wants and our desires that wen things start to fail, we contradict ourselves to fit the occasion. So we not only start lying to whoever we're with, but to ourselves. Never, ever cool. So where does that leave us? Unsatisfied until our 25th birthday? Or are we overthinking it? What if they perfect guy/girl is right there in front of us? And instead of looking for that "mature" person, or the one with a herculean libido, we just look for the nice, interesting people and get to know them.

But we can't do that because...we either think ahead...or think back. We think "Ah, marriage, entrapment, aghhhhh!" or "Cheating, infidelity, drama, uggghhhhhh!" But think about it. Is it really that serious? Or are we getting so caught up in what our age group deems is "ideal"? Clearly, we don't know what the hell we're even talking about.


  1. So we read this on the train going to the city, sharina and i. and we couldnt agree more with what you wrote. we still have conversations about it :)

  2. I'm 26 and I ain't lookin' for love. <3


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